Saturday, July 30, 2011

Chiropractic and Children

How did my child get a subluxation!!!!!!!! And what is that?

Photograph Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

A subluxation is a positional mis-alignment of one vertebra in relation to another vertebra, which puts pressure on the delicate nerve tissue and causes an intereference in the brain’s ability to send impulses to organ systems of the body. So…sure you don’t feel pain, but you are still compromising organ systems and weakening them.
The most important  times in the first 15 months that your child needs to be checked for subluxations.
1.)   Right after birth: To screen newborns for Birth Traumas-Injuries to the infant that result from mechanical forces (compression/traction) during the birth process. The average is 6-8 injuries per 1000 births. At a greater risk if the infant weighs >4500 g, in instrumental deliveries (forceps, vacuum), vaginal breech, abnormal or excessive traction and longer duration delivery.
2.)    When starting to pick up the head while on belly: This forms your childs natural neck curve and strengthens the neck muscles that hold the head up
 3.)   At onset of crawling: Crawling before walking is imperative for proper brain development. They must hit this milestone.
 4.)   As child begins to sit: Putting new vertical compression on the baby’s spine can cause subluxations
  5.)   When the child first learns to stand: Your child will fall. A lot. Their tiny spine will get jarred constantly.TIP: Falls on the butt are considered trauma….it is so for adults as well.
  6.)   During initial walking stages: The child is develping the lower back curve. This is a very important milestone to reach, but again they will be falling. A lot.
Please feel free to contact Dr. Brooke with any questions you may have regarding your child’s overall health and wellness.  

Brooke Dickinson, DC

Child Chiropractic ~ The Woodlands Chiropractor

Why does my child need Chiropractic?

Photograph Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

We don’t typically think of children as needing chiropractic. That’s because we are conditioned to associate chiropractic with pain relief and how many kids do we see walking around yelling “ouch, my back is killing me!”?  That pain does not show up until later in life, BUT IT HAD TO START SOMEWHERE.  Pain should never be the only reason we seek intervention. This is the reason that people get into trouble with any chronic illness, we don’t try and fix the problem until it causes us pain! Most people do not go to the medical doctor and say “ I woke this morning feeling fabulous and by the way I think I have cancer”!   NO THAT NEVER HAPPENS, people typically go get things checked out when they are painful. Wouldn’t it be easier if we just got annual preventive screenings.Yes  it would and this is the future of healthcare, catching a problem before it has a chance to progress. Chiropractors work in this prevention paradigm by assessing the spine and nervous system for interferences that could result in physical, emotional, and chemical imbalances in the body. My job is to remove that interference (subluxation) which will allow the body to function at its optimum capacity. THIS STARTS EARLY.

Brooke Dickinson, DC